
Fostering Scientific Vocations through Augmented Reality about European Cultural Heritage

In Văratec-Salcea Secondary School, Suceava County, ARSTEAMapp brings chances equity and gender equality. Mrs. Bulgariu Iuliana, as a inovative teacher, built an inclusive environment, full of harmony between students of various ethnicities and religions, by implementing the ARSTEAMapp technology and carrying out:

@ARSTEAMapp Enriching the future of teaching/learning with sustainable values was a real provocative EDUChallenge. Be curious and find more at Eduvision EDUChallenge Programme - 29 November 2024, Round Table 1.

The final meeting of the ARSTEAMapp Project was held on 14-15 November 2024 at the campus of the Faculty of Education, University of Burgos, hosted by the University of Burgos ARSTEAMapp team- Radu Bogdan Toma, Verónica Sedano, led by Miguel Angel Queiruga Dios as project coordinator. The ARSTEAMapp TEAM was augmented by Marina Canas and...

The Multiplier Event of the ARSTEAMapp Project was held at the Istanbul Naval Museum on 26.09.2024.The event opened by Mr. Sedat Işık, Director of Beşiktaş District National Education, was attended by researchers, academicians, teachers and students. In the event where the ARSTEAMApp Project (Erasmus+ 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000030257) was introduced...

The Science Summit is the premier global event that brings together thought leaders, scientists, policy makers and innovators to address the most pressing scientific and technological challenges of our time.
Hatice Kirmaci organized the online session on ' EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE 21st CENTURY: THE ROLE AND FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY '...

ARSTEAMapp is a partner of the I INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE TEACHER MASTER'S DEGREE ON SCIENCE TEACHING. Under the motto of New educational approaches, for teaching science in Secondary, Baccalaureate and Vocational Training. It was held virtually on April 26, 2024 in a bilingual Spanish-Portuguese format.The conference was aimed at teachers...

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