
Fostering Scientific Vocations through Augmented Reality about European Cultural Heritage

ARSTEAMapp an innovative approach in accordance with #eduvision #educhallenge steps forward. The pilot version of ARSTEAMapp is now ready to be populated with educational content. The app is prepared to incorporate 3D models of European and UNESCO heritage buildings, offer two learning versions with different difficulty levels, and enhance...

Our 3rd online meeting of ARSTEAMapp was held on 29th May 2023. Information about future tasks was also given after giving information about the interim report and dissemination report.

Some of the students and the teachers from Korkmaz Yiğit Anatolian High School, Kyal, (Turkey) had a great challenge on 14.04.2023. In this game, which was prepared by Kyal with augmented reality and includes cultural heritage and the history of science, they tried to find Anatolian Scientists who shaped science.

The " Gender Equality in Science Education" conference organized by ARSTEAMapp Project(Partner project of SDC23 and Arnavutköy Korkmaz Yiğit Anatolian High School (KYAL) was held on 27 March 2023. Işıl Hasdemir (General Manager of Dell Technologies -Turkey), Dr. Fatma Caner (Marmara University) and YaseminAltınsoy (Founder of Kidory digital story...

The Europeana Tech Meet was an event that promoted the integration of cultural heritage and innovative tools into learning scenarios. ARSTEAMapp was appreciated for the Play&Learn concept on which it is based in the development of teaching materials.

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