
Fostering Scientific Vocations through Augmented Reality about European Cultural Heritage

The Europeana Tech Meet was an event that promoted the integration of cultural heritage and innovative tools into learning scenarios. ARSTEAMapp was appreciated for the Play&Learn concept on which it is based in the development of teaching materials.

ARSTEAMapp is one of the partner projects of the STEM DISCOVERY CAMPAIGN 2023. The STEM Discovery Campaign is a global celebration of STEM subjects. It's also an opportunity for educators to share their STEM-related activities with the world.

The EduVision Conference with the proposed theme - Modern Approaches in Teaching New Generations - opened the way for discussion, analysis and informed opinions from teachers from different educational backgrounds: the Ministry of Greek and Religious Affairs, the Hellenic Astronomy and Space Company, Agora Intrenational, Principality of Andorra,...

On 24-26 January 2023, the 2nd face-to-face meeting of the ARSTSEAMapp project was hosted by Arnavutköy Korkmaz Yiğit High School in Istanbul, Turkey. Information was given about the work carried out so far in the project and future work. In this Erasmus project, which aims to apply Augmented Reality to European Cultural Heritage, many buildings...

On Tuesday , September 13, 2022, ARSTEAMapp (Erasmus+KA220SCH-E10147860) partners gathered online meeting . During the meeting, partners discussed management concerns with an emphasis on dissemination activities.

The kick-off meeting of the ARSTEAMapp project was successfully held in Burgos - Spain on the 25th March 2022.Partners from 3 schools , 1 SME and 1 museum coming from Istanbul (Turkey), Suceava(Romania), (Porto)Portugal , Valencia(Spain) and Madrid (Spain) , were gathered to establish a common vision and understanding on the project's...

The first online meeting was held with the participation of partner organizations. After the introduction of the project and information about its stages , the date of the first face-to-face meeting was determined by partner organisations.



ARSTEAMapp addresses the challenges of improving the teaching of STEAM disciplines in the 12-16 age group, designing an innovative way to establish connections between these disciplines in a meaningful and viable way with the educational context.The development of an augmented reality (AR) educational app (hereafter AR-STEAMapp) that can be used to...

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