
Fostering Scientific Vocations through Augmented Reality about European Cultural Heritage

Autors: María Diez-Ojeda, Yara Arnáiz-Martín and Miguel Ángel Queiruga-Dios.

Book Chapter: VISIT-MUNCYT: uso de apps educativas en museos científicos.

Book: Videojuegos: Ciencia, Arte, Aprendizaje y Entretenimiento

Explanation: Estudio previo sobre el interés de los estudiantes en el uso de apps educativas en ambientes de enseñanza no formal.

Publisher: MCGraw Hill

ISBN: 978-84-486-4138-2

Authors: Elena Matroana Hreciuc, Hatice Kîrmaci

Book Chapter: ARSTEAMAPP. Reshaping the future of teaching

Book: Thinking outside the box in education

Explanation: This book chapter describes the features of the ARSTEAMapp app.

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional Universidad de Burgos

ISBN: 978-84-18465-94-9


Editors: Inés Vigo Alonso, Roberto Ortega Tobalina, Carlos Crespo Miguel, Pablo Marín Díaz, Eugenio Gutiérrez Carril.

Book: I JORNADAS INTERNACIONALES DEL MÁSTER DE PROFESORADO SOBRE LA ENSEÑANZA DE LAS CIENCIAS. Nuevos enfoques educativos, para la enseñanza de las ciencias en Secundaria, Bachillerato y Formación Profesional.

Explanation: The ARSTEAM project organized this International conference

Publisher: Editorial Q


Editors: María Diez-Ojeda, Miguel Ángel Queiruga-Dios.

Book: Thinking outside the box in education.

Explanation: The ARSTEAM project organized the publication of this book. This 534-page book contains educational experiences from teachers around the world.

Publisher: Servicio de Publicaciones e Imagen Institucional Universidad de Burgos

ISBN: 978-84-18465-94-9


Authors: Elena Matroana Hreciuc

Paper: Application for Integrated STEAM Learning Through Augmented Reality

Explanation: This paper describes the features of the ARSTEAMapp app.

Publisher: CEP UPSC, 2024, Ediția 2


Authors: Celia Escudero Carrascal 

Paper: El arte de establecer conexiones para mejorar las disciplinas STEAM 

En Revista Didáctica Publisher: Innovación y Multimedia, núm. 43


Authors: Elena Matroana Hreciuc

Book Chapter: ARSTEAMapp: bring together prior knowledge and experiences

Book: EDUvision 2022 »New Contemporary Challenges - Opportunities for Integrating Innovative Solutions into 21st Century Education«

Explanation: 12th International Conference EDUvision

Publisher: EDUvision, Stanislav Jurjevčič s.p. 

ISBN: 978-961-95939-5-0

Authors: Elena Matroana Hreciuc

Book Chapter: Reshaping the Future of Teaching

Book: »Challenges in Education and Evaluation of Knowlege«

Explanation: International Conference EDUchallenge 2023

Publisher: EDUvision, Stanislav Jurjevčič s.p. 

Authors: Miguel Ángel Queiruga-Dios, Benito Vázquez-Dorrío, María Consuelo Sáiz-Manzanares, Emilia López-Iñesta and María Diez-Ojeda

Scientific paper: STEM approach using soccer: improving academic performance in Physics and Mathematics in a real-world context

Explanation: This proposal adds original approaches to the currently scarce body of practical evidence on the application of STEM innovations in the curriculum. A teaching-learning program was designed in a real-world context such as cultural heritage, and within this, the context of soccer with a STEM approach through a cooperative problem-solving methodology. Because European cultural heritage includes natural sites, archaeological sites, museums, monuments, historic cities, works of art, literature, music and audiovisual works, and all the knowledge, practices and customs, and traditions of European citizens.

Publisher: Frontiers in Psychology


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