
The Multiplier Event of the ARSTEAMapp Project was held at the Istanbul Naval Museum on 26.09.2024.The event opened by Mr. Sedat Işık, Director of Beşiktaş District National Education, was attended by researchers, academicians, teachers and students. In the event where the ARSTEAMApp Project (Erasmus+ 2021-1-ES01-KA220-SCH-000030257) was introduced by Hatice Kırmacı and Prof. Dr. Murat Beken (Abant İzzet Baysal University), Dr. Değer Ayata (AIATUS), Dr. Fatih Mehmet Adar (Nişantaşı University), Bora Ersezen (Istanbul Modern Museum), Eda Dereci (Istanbul Modern Museum) gave information about artificial intelligence, augmented reality, coding and education in the museum. Arnavutköy Korkmaz Yiğit Anatolian High School students also shared their projects on cultural heritage and technology.

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