EuropeanaTECH 2023


EuropeanaTech 2023, held in The Hague, Netherlands from October 10 to 12, 2023, emphasized "Explore, Engage, Experience: Cultural Heritage in the Data Space and Beyond." Topics encompassed digital collections, linked open data, AI, AR, 3D tech, heritage preservation, and multilingualism, shaping pivotal cultural heritage and tech discussions. 

Speakers highlighted how data can boost preserving, managing, and accessing cultural heritage. The ARSTEAMapp Project, presented by Elena Matroana Hreciuc(in person) and Hatice Kîrmaci(online), as an Erasmus+ Days 2023 tribut, for demonstrated using heritage data for new digital tools, aiding research and collaboration. Their focus on immersive experiences showcased how heritage data could revolutionize accessing, preserving, and sharing cultural resources. 

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