ARSTEAMapp Project as partner in Science Summit UNGA79

The Science Summit is the premier global event that brings together thought leaders, scientists, policy makers and innovators to address the most pressing scientific and technological challenges of our time.
Hatice Kirmaci organized the online session on ' EDUCATION AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE 21st CENTURY: THE ROLE AND FUTURE OF TECHNOLOGY ' on Tuesday, September 17 (13.00-15.00 (CET)), at this meeting, which included nearly 400 sessions from around the world.
In this session, where ARSTEAMapp Project was one of the partners, Mehmet Mirat Satoglu (General Manager-TÜBİTAK ULAKBİM), Dr. Lawrence Houldsworth (OECD-OECD Global Teaching Insight), Giuseppe Mossuti (European Schoolnet-Scientix), Dr. Christina Makarona (European Schoolnet-Scientix), Yaela Columbic (European Citizen Science), Dr. Fatma Zeynep Özkurt Dördüncü (Nişantaşı University) shared their valuable studies on education, technology, STEAM education, gender equality in the 21st century.