11th February International Day of Women Girls in Science


As a one of the partner organisations of Stem Discovery Campaign24 held by Scientix, ARSTEAMapp Project organised the competition for the " 11th February International Day of Women and Girls in Science". In this competition, which aimed to increase the interest of girls (Ages12-18) in science, the subject of the competition was cultural heritage and technology.​ The winners :

1. The fortress of Sânpetru (Grosu Nectaria -Secondary School No.1 -Braşov- Romania) Teacher: Valeria Iordache

2- Silence Of Water (Naz Üçgül-Etiler Anatolian High Scool-Istanbul- Türkiye)Teacher : Arzu Çalık Seydim

3- In space with Valentina (Edina Đorović- Naša radost Preschool Organisation-Serbia)

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