
Fostering Scientific Vocations through Augmented Reality about European Cultural Heritage

Our ERASMUS+ Project TEAM is ready to present you the complete version of ARSTEAMapp.
Please download it from Google Play.  Be free to explore and find extraordinary STEAM facts about 10 famous buildings, UNESCO Heritages and representatives for each partners country - Spain, Turkey, Romania and Portugal. 

Download the Cards file, cut each building marker in a small piece, and explore it with AR component of ARSTEAMapp. 

Download the marker Cards

Try more!!!  Play&Learn with ARSTEAMapp innovative Dodecaedro.

Your opinion is important! Please help us to improve the ARSTEAMapp tools and experiences. 

If you are an adult (teacher, parent, stakeholder) fill this Usability of AR-STEAMapp form. 

If you are a student (secondary, high school or more) fill this Usability of AR-STEAMapp form.

Thank You for your contribution!

You could try the markers below. 

ARSTEAMapp aims to be an educational tool that allows students aged 12-16 years to work the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and integrated mathematics through Art, using elements of the European Cultural Heritage. 

This application will be based on Augmented Reality, so that the user (students and teachers), from the scan of an image or a 3D model of an element of the European Cultural Heritage can:

  • know its history and the people who participated in its design and construction; 
  • discover the science, mathematics and technological development that made its construction possible; 
  • know the engineering design used.

For each element of the Heritage (architectural work or sculpture) selected, an educational scenario will be created: after scanning a specific characteristic of the element, with a QR code, the app will activate a reproduction of the monument in Augmented Reality from which the user will be able to work the STEAM disciplines.

© 2022 ARSTEAMapp  |  All rights reserved | Designed by Elena M. Hreciuc
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